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Moving Digits: Augmented Dance for Engaged Audience aims to enhance audience understanding and engagement in contemporary dance performances, and to allow them to experience dance in an augmented way (even after the performance). The project also aims to empower dancers, choreographers, and technicians with further tools for expression, archival, and analysis. The project is a partnership between Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI, Portugal – Lead Partner), Hochschule Düsseldorf (HSD, Germany), and Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL, Estonia). Plux(Portugal), Tanzhaus NRW (Germany) and University of Greenwich (UK) are associated partners. The project has a duration of 2 years, starting 1st October 2018.



Humans navigate in spaces throughout mapping. These maps are constructed in our brains to direct and identify spatiality. Maps like landscapes are built in the cognitive, kinetic, and sensorial memory of the brain, unconsciously. They contain not only the physical characteristics of the spaces but also emotional and imaginative factors, which makes the brain understand spaces. These imaginative maps are often very much different than the actual physical space is, because the imaginative maps are formed with a multi-sensorial experience base and the perception is always through the body that moves in space. In this sense, hence moving the body with sensorial awareness, shapes its perception of the space. The moving body is in the center of engagement and experience, as well as in-between the physical and imaginative spaces. As Arendt (1958) describes: space exists only when the body appears. Therefore all these maps are in relation to moving the body that transforms the spatiality around constantly. This project examines the connection between imaginative and emotional perception and the actual physical space throughout the moving body. It researches answers to the questions about the perception of realities in their characteristics. This action of sensing and mapping the space is visualized with technology like a motion capturing system. It presents invisible landscapes of mind from the dancers, anticipates the mover's way to create a mapping of the space, and reveals how to maneuvering in spatiality happens by the dancers in real architectural space as well a sin connection to their own perception. E-motional landscapes open up the various aspects that constitute the act of mapping like the primary human condition to direct towards the light, emotional traces, forms, colors, sounds, and social memories. These all together form the constantly transforming and evolving landscapes in the brain of the moving dancers. Concept and choreography: Outi Elena Valanto 

Visuals, sound, and interaction by, respectively: Stephan Jürgens, Raul Masu, and Jochen Feitsch

Dancers (Tallinn, Aug/19): Karolin Poska, Sylvia Köster

Dancers (Düsseldorf, Oct/19; Tallinn, Mar/20): Deva Schubert, Eleonora Siarava, Juan Felipe Amaya Gonzalez

Performance October 2019 Tanzhaus NRW

Photos by: Stephan Jürgens

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